The first page of the Google search results. It is the holy grail that every business is after, but only a few ever achieve. Luckily for you, we are well versed in Google search results and the methods that they use. But, unfortunately, how to get to the first results page is not something that can be covered in one short article, as thousands of businesses all over the world spend months, if not years, trying to figure it out. For now, let’s go over the difference between paid search and organic search and how both can benefit you.

Organic Search

This is the toughest but most beneficial method of getting to the first page. It is for companies that do not just think short term but are in it for the long haul. Improving your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy is how you successfully accomplish organic search results. Essentially, these results are the pages that Google has deemed the most valuable, relevant sources to the keywords that have just been searched for.

Paid Search

This is the fastest and easiest way to get your site to show up on the first page of Google results. By paying Google a fee, which varies greatly depending on which keywords you are interested in, the search engine will display your page either at the top or bottom of the first page.


Although these look fairly similar to organic results in terms of how they are displayed on the webpage, that does not necessarily mean that they will give you the same results as if you landed there organically. Some users are starting to catch on to the fact that the first result or two are often paid content, so they assume this means that they will be less relevant and therefore do not even bother clicking on them as soon as they see that advertisement logo next to the result.

Which One is Better?


Unfortunately, this is not a black-and-white issue, as both strategies have their benefits and drawbacks. While organic search tends to get the site more positive results, especially considering they did not have to pay anything to land there, it can take months or years to get to the first page, if you ever get there at all. Paid search is a guaranteed method of landing there quickly, but it also tends not to achieve as good of results and may end up costing you a large amount of money.


If you want to know more about how organic and paid search work and how they might benefit you, then click here to get help from one of our experts.

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