Social media is the marketing of the future

We are living in an age ruled by social media – it’s safe to say it’s here to stay and there’s no escaping it. Social media for business is booming and traditional marketing strategies are becoming obsolete. Don’t let your business get left behind! Cultivating a favourable social media presence for your business takes time and effort, but the benefits are many. Developing a social media strategy for your business effectively enables your business to gain exposure, website traffic, and advertise more effectively than ever before. 

Connect and build relationships to become front of mind

Social media channels are chock full of potential customers and clients for your business and the reach is beyond quantification. Today, there are over 2.4 billion active Facebook users and over 1 billion active users on Instagram. With monthly active users increasing exponentially on both channels, this becomes a huge opportunity to develop awareness of your brand that runs deeper than recognition of your name and logo. Social media allows you to share the personality of your business in a way that people can relate to and interact with. Share content that you care about consistently to let people get to know and trust the voice and values of your business. The best part is that this isn’t a one-way street like conventional marketing campaigns – with social media you can open a dialogue and invite your client-base to engage in real conversation. In this way, you can nurture real connection and build relationships. If you want to be remembered and remain front-of-mind for your client-base, social media is where you want to be! 

Drive traffic to your website from social media channels

Your social media presence not only boosts your brand visibility, but also opens the digital door to your growing website. You can think of social media as a vast ocean of potential clients and customers. With well-curated social media content as your tackle, you can reel-in social-media swimmers who are already hooked on to your brand. Authentic content that is relevant to your business and consistent with your brand is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website. To make it easy for people to land on your website, include links to your website in your social profiles and content posts. A blog is a great way to share engaging content that is directly linked to your website.  Every time you share any piece of content on social media, you’re creating a bridge for people to find your website and become a client or customer. Swim in the ocean of social media and watch your website traffic soar!

Advertising has never been more simple than on social media

Once you’ve developed your presence on social media, you can more effectively harness the enormous potential of advertising in social media channels. Social media ads are one of the quickest and most effective ways to connect with your target audience who are already hanging out there. Your increased visibility and website traffic often translate to sales in and of themselves, but often for as little as a dollar you can boost your carefully curated content to make it even more effective. The targeted reach and lower ad costs of social media marketing – all you need is the right strategy! Avoid social media adds that are overly sales-y and find palatable ways to weave ad material into your overall social media strategy. Sales ads alone won’t cut it on social media – take the time to build your brand awareness in social media to really amplify the influence of your social ads. 

You’ll never look back

A strong social media strategy can take your business to new heights. As with any advertising campaign, this takes time and effort but the return of investment is likely to surpass that of traditional approaches to marketing, which are becoming quickly outmoded. Your social media presence will not only give you increased exposure wider and more targeted audiences but will also drive traffic to your website and expand your advertising potential. If your business needs help developing a digital presence, Danger Dynamite can help.

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